How To Install WordPress On Addon Domain

How To Install WordPress on Addon Domain Using Sofaculous?

The first thing to learn about setting up a WordPress blog is to know the installation process of the WordPress. You can install WordPress manually or just with one-click software. But how would you install WordPress on addon domain? Do you even know what is an addon domain?

In this post, I am going to tell you how to install WordPress on addon domain using the software. As, you all know that in the cPanel, you can have many Softwares using which you can install and uninstall many programs. Softaculous is one of the tools you can have in the cPanel of your web hosting account.

Install WordPress On Addon Domain:

First of all, let me give you a summary about the addon domain. When you want to run the multiple websites on your web hosting server then you add the new domain as your addon domain to run on that server. An addon domain is a fully functional domain to which you provide every privilege as same as your main domain.

But how to install WordPress on addon domain? Are you thinking about it? Well, stop thinking and follow the guide I am going to provide you.

Just make sure that your web hosting company has provided the Softaculous tool to use on your account. Many web hosting companies don’t provide it on their VPS and dedicated server accounts. But if you have it then here you go.

Install WordPress On Second Domain:-

Step 1:- Login to your cPanel and search for the Softaculous. You can find it in the cPanel under software and services section.

Step 2:- Click On the icon and then you will see the WordPress icon the new page. Just click on that icon and you will reach on the WordPress installation page.

Step 3:- Now, you have to do the WordPress installation settings. You can see many fields. The first one under “Software Setup” is to choose the protocol. From the drop-list, you have to select the “http://” protocol .

Second is to choose the domain name. Along with your main domain, all the addon domains and the parked domains will be listed here. Just select the addon domain from the list.

Step 4:- Now is the time to select the location of the WordPress. If you want to install the WordPrss in a folder named with your addon domain then just write the name of that folder.

Step 4:- To create the database for your addon domain, you have to fill the name here.

Step 5:- In the “Database Settings”, you have to fill the name of the table prefix you want to add in your database table. You can enter the name here, but if you don’t to choose it then leave it as it is.

Step 6:- Site Settings- In this section, you have to fill the name of your website and the description about it. If you are not sure about it then don’t worry, you can change it later from the WordPress dashboard.

The third option can be enabled only if you want to handle multiple sites from this WordPress. Though all the web hosting servers don’t support this feature. So, just leave it unchecked.

Step 7:- Admin Account- You have to create the username and the password to login your WordPress admin panel. You can change the username and the password later.

Enter the valid email address so that the data can be recovered using this email if needed. You can use the email you have created with your domain name here.

Step 8:- Select the language for installation. There are many languages in the list. I have selected the “English” language.

Step 9:- If you want to improve the security of your website then you can enable the login limits using the plugin on your website. But right now, just leave it unchecked. You can do that later.

Step 10:- There is an installation button to click on, after which the WordPress installation process will get started.

You can even keep the details with you by entering an email in it.

After few minutes, you will see the message stating that you have successfully installed the software.

Now Do You Know How To Install WordPress On Addon Domain?

After going through the process shown above, do you still want to know how to install WordPress on addon domain? There is nothing complicated in this installation process. You have to fill the details of your website, admin account, database so that after few minutes, you can handle your addon domain.

Do you want to install WordPress on second domain? Whether it is the main domain or the parked domain, addon domain, you can install WordPress using the same procedure.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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